Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Healing Through Writing...

I recently read this quote in an article by novelist Wally Lamb:

Michelangelo, the 16th-century artistic genius, once said this about his work: "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." and I are damaged angels-in-waiting who have the potential to sculpt our best selves with the aid of paper and pen.

Apart from being a novelist (and a good one at that - my wife's favorite!), Wally Lamb teaches writing to a group of female inmates at a high-security prison. He asserts that writing our past history and confronting emotional issues can help the healing process immensely. There is power in writing our own stories.

I've never really thought it necessary to write my memoirs at age 25 until reading this article. You can read the article in its entirety here.

1 comment:

Will K said...

When can I expect to see your memoirs on Scribd?